
The study of nouns and their declension is fundamental to your German. Pirandello's story offers a wide range of nouns to learn.

  • shape
  • shape


Gender and number of nouns

In the German language, nouns have three genders: masculine (M), feminine (F), and neuter (N).

The following list contains all the nouns from the first part of our excerpt. The definite article before a singular noun indicates its gender:

der (M), die (F), das (N)

In the plural (PL), all nouns take the same article (die), regardless of gender. This means that in the plural the gender distinction disappears.

This is why the article is not placed before plural nouns in the following list.

girl Mädchen Mädchen [tooltip]girl[/tooltip]
dolls Puppen Puppen [tooltip]dolls[/tooltip]
dream Träume Träume [tooltip]dreams[/tooltip]
mountain village Bergdorf Bergdorf[tooltip] mountain village[/tooltip]
beach Meeresstrand Meeresstrand [tooltip]beach[/tooltip]
sea Meer Meer [tooltip]sea[/tooltip]
country Land Land [tooltip]country[/tooltip]
people Leute Leute [tooltip]people[/tooltip]
language Sprache Sprache [tooltip]language[/tooltip]
dreams Träume Träume[tooltip]dreams[/tooltip]
years Jahre Jahre [tooltip]years[/tooltip]
big ugly man Riesenkerl Riesenkerl [tooltip]big ugly man[/tooltip]
six-foot man Zweimetermann Zweimetermann [tooltip]six-foot man[/tooltip]
arms Arme Arme [tooltip]arms[/tooltip]
doll Puppe Puppe [tooltip]doll[/tooltip]
tiny creature Würmchen Würmchen [tooltip]tiny creature[/tooltip]
angel face Engelsgesicht Engelsgesicht [tooltip]angel face[/tooltip]
spasms Krämpfe Krämpfe [tooltip]spasms[/tooltip]
little body Körperchen Körperchen [tooltip]little body[/tooltip]
disease Morbus Morbus [tooltip]disease[/tooltip]
name Name Name [tooltip]name[/tooltip]
doctor Arzt Arzt[tooltip]doctor[/tooltip]
glory Ruhm Ruhm[tooltip]glory[/tooltip]
forms Formen Formen [tooltip]forms[/tooltip]
child Kind Kind[tooltip]child[/tooltip]

Making the plural

The second list contains plural nouns from the entire 600-word extract by Pirandello.

The nominative plural article for all genders is die.

The first six nouns in the list are from the first part (see the first list). The words Fenster (windows) and Finger (fingers) are in the second part, while the last six nouns are in the last part of the text.

Read and listen. Copy the words as you read them.

dolls Puppen Puppen[tooltip]dolls[/tooltip]
people Leute Leute[tooltip]people[/tooltip]
dreams Träume Träume[tooltip]dreams[/tooltip]
years Jahre Jahre[tooltip]years[/tooltip]
arms  Arme Arme[tooltip]arms[/tooltip]
spasms Krämpfe Krämpfe[tooltip]spasms[/tooltip]
forms Formen Formen[tooltip]forms[/tooltip]
windows Fenster Fenster[tooltip]windows[/tooltip]
fingers Finger Finger[tooltip]fingers[/tooltip]
lips Lippen Lippen[tooltip]lips[/tooltip]
ghosts Geister Geister[tooltip]ghosts[/tooltip]
mountains Berge Berge[tooltip]mountains[/tooltip]

There are five possible plural endings in German.

Our excerpt gives examples of the first four endings, which are the most common. The plural form often involves adding an umlaut to the word.

Zero ending ():

Fenster, Finger[tooltip]windows, fingers[/tooltip]

- (e)n ending:

Puppen, Formen, Lippen[tooltip]dolls, forms, lips[/tooltip]

-e ending:

Träume, Jahre, Berge[tooltip]dreams, years, mountains[/tooltip]

-er ending:


-s ending:

None of the plural nouns in the text use this ending.

There is an exercise on plural nouns in the appendix.

Cases and their functions: The Nominative Case (NOM)

The nominative case is used for the subject and the predicate noun.

The person, animal or object in the nominative case does the action described by the verb.

It answers the questions introduced by the interrogative pronouns wer? or was? ('who' or 'what').


Was ist das Leben? Ein Hauch.

Was ist das Leben? Ein Hauch. [tooltip]How flimsy life is! A breath.[/tooltip]

Here is a list of the nouns used as subjects in the second part of the text, arranged according to the action of the story. The article helps to identify the gender, number and case of the noun.

the room das Zimmer das Zimmer[tooltip]the room[/tooltip]
the two windows die zwei Fenster die zwei Fenster[tooltip]the two windows[/tooltip]
the mother die Mutter die Mutter[tooltip]the mother[/tooltip]
the child das Kind das Kind[tooltip]the child[/tooltip]
a breath ein Hauch ein Hauch[tooltip]a breath[/tooltip]
your husband dein Mann dein Mann[tooltip]your husband[/tooltip]
a giant ein Riese ein Riese[tooltip]a giant[/tooltip]
the certainty die Gewissheit die Gewissheit[tooltip]the certainty[/tooltip]

Good to know!

There are two exercises after this lesson.

Paragraphs read Paragraphs read


Insights into: 'Nouns'


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